To be the analytics engine of genomics, transitioning clinicians, researchers and applied scientists from data analysts into practitioners of timely, accurate biology.
At Real Time Genomics, we have a passion for genomics. Our core competence is a commitment to know, anticipate and deliver to the needs of leading biological researchers. The company has deep computational expertise in algorithms, coupled with extensive product development capabilities and a seasoned commercial team with over 100 years of success in bringing genomics’ innovation to the life sciences industry.
At the heart of our technology architecture is a patented pattern search technology that enables accurate mapping and alignment of NGS data with a unique combination of speed and sensitivity. From there, application specific pipelines deliver results that combine accuracy and speed to provide unparalleled value to researchers and clinicians.
Real Time Genomics is a private company based in Hamilton, New Zealand, with representatives in San Francisco.
Intellectual Property
Real Time Genomics has an extensive portfolio of genomic analysis intellectual property that is one of the widest ranging in the industry. The portfolio covers core mapping and alignment, large and complex pedigree analysis, methods of data analysis for cancer, methods of metagenomic analysis and historical result analysis, incredibly fast, efficient and accurate read mapping and a range of other high value IP targeting specific markets.
As well as commercial licenses, Real Time Genomics supports non-commercial use with full source code availability for much of our core technology at GitHub. Our next-generation research and development engine (code named "zooma") is available through partnerships or commercial terms.
Commercial licenses, partnerships and joint project investigations are welcomed.
Management Team
Graham Gaylard - Chief Executive Officer
Graham is the founder of Real Time Genomics and NetValue Limited, a ten year old Web applications development and hosting company, based in Hamilton, New Zealand. Graham also provides business consulting for primarily technology based start-up companies, as well as undertaking private angel investments. Graham has over 28 years experience in the Information Technology sector and currently holds a NZ Certificate in Electrical Engineering, a BSc in Computer Science and an MBA from Waikato University.
Len Trigg - Director of Research & Development
Over the years Len has helped advance the field of machine learning, building up an impressive set of skills in numerous areas of computer science. Having completed a Ph.D. in machine learning at the University of Waikato in 1998, he accepted a postdoctoral fellowship with the machine learning group at the University. During his time there he published many articles on machine learning and was a primary architect of the well known WEKA machine learning workbench. Since leaving academia in 1999, Len has worked on projects involving document classification, data compression, named entity extraction, search, bioinformatics, and is currently chief software architect and team leader for the development of RTG's core technology.

Alan Jackson

Brian Hillbush

Dave Ware
BCMS (hons)

Graham Gaylard
John Cleary

Kurt Gaastra

Len Trigg

Pierre Laplace

Richard Littin

Sean Irvine

Shane Sturrock