Intellectual Property Development
Real Time Genomics has an extensive portfolio of genomic analysis intellectual property that is one of the widest ranging in the industry. The portfolio covers core mapping and alignment, large and complex pedigree analysis, methods of data analysis for cancer, methods of metagenomic analysis and historical result analysis, incredibly fast, efficient and accurate read mapping and a range of other high value IP targeting specific markets. Our team has a wide range of experience encompassing bioinformatics, machine learning, data compression, data security, IT infrastructure and networking. We love solving hard problems and we welcome partnerships where we can work together and discover novel ways for you to differentiate your business and enter new markets. Whether you choose to resell analytics as a part of your service, or leverage our genome analytics platform as a tool to accelerate your time to result for customers, we want to help you drive new business.

Embed RTG as a part of your software or hardware product
Embed the most widely used, on-premise genome analytics platform in your software or hardware product to optimize performance and focus resources on your core business.
Resell RTG's on-premise integration platform
Provide analytics as an add-on to your application to reduce objections in your sales cycle and drive top line revenue. Meet customer requirements around analytics sensitivity and reproducibility with on premise deployment.
Analytics as part of your business - channel program for system integrators
Unlike other genome analytics integration partner programs, RTG does not require an annual membership fee. Address local and cloud customer integration use cases using RTG's leading analytics platforms.